Arbitration and Litigation
Janet is regularly invited to present and moderate panels at international arbitration and dispute resolution conferences around the world including at LCIA Users’ Symposia and at IBA Conferences, and ICC Workshops and Conferences.
International Arbitration
- Arbitration Life with Janette & Hana (October 2022) – An British Virgin Islands International Arbitration Centre interview series
- “The Sociology of Arbitration” (September 2022) International Council for Commercial Arbitration Congress (Edinburgh)
- Masterclass – Practical Aspects of Cross Examination Techniques (May 2021) IBA International Construction Projects Committee (Webinar)
- “Arbitration Conversation #53: Canadian Arbitrator Janet Walker” (November 2020) The Arbitration Conversation: Amy Schmitz Interviews the Leading Minds in Arbitration
- “Roundtable on Managing Expert Witnesses: Hot-Tubbing Included!” (June 2020) 2020 ADR Online – An Asian International Arbitration Centre Webinar Series
- “The Art of e-Advocacy: Persuasion in a World of Virtual Hearings” (June 2020) ICDR Y&I (London, Webinar)
- “Class Actions and Arbitration” (June 2020) Ontario Bar Association (Toronto, Virtual)
- “International Arbitrators’ Point of View” (June 2020) Practising Law Institute: International Arbitration 2020 (New York, Virtual)
- “Expert Testimony in Virtual Hearings” (May 2020) The Academy of Experts UK (London, Webinar)
- “Tales of the Tribunal” (May 2020) PodBean podcast
- “PO1: The End or the Beginning” (April 2020) Delos TagTime with Prof. Doug Jones AO
- International Chamber of Commerce webinar series with The International Arbitration Centre (April 2020) – Virtual Hearing Room Checklist: Walker – Virtual Hearing Room Checklist
- “Insights into Technology: Virtual Hearing Rooms” (April 2020) ICC UK Technical Webinar Series (London, Webinar)
- “Signs of Spring – and the growing diversity in our world” (February 2020) The International Arbitration Centre (London)
- “Deconstructing Risk” (February 2020) Keynote Speech at the International Construction Law Association (Stuttgart)
- “Fireside Chat with Two Leading Arbitrators” (December 2019) GAR Live: Women in Arbitration (London)
- “Applicable Law in Construction Arbitration” (November 2019) Worshipful Company of Arbitrators (London)
- “Conflict of Laws” (November 2019) Superior Court of Justice, Ontario (Toronto)
- “Difficult Situations” (October 2019) The Advocates’ Society and Law Society of Ontario Reception (Toronto)
- “Bench and Bar in Conversation: Landmark Decisions in North America” (October 2019) 14th Annual ICC NY Conference (New York)
- “Liquidated Damages: A Many Splendored Thing” (September 2019) International Bar Association (Seoul)
- “Exceptions to Limitations of Liability” (September 2019) International Bar Association (Seoul)
- “The Prague Rules: Five Questions for Common Lawyers” (September 2019) Seoul Arbitration Festival (Seoul)
- “Party-Appointed Experts in Arbitration: Successful Management Techniques”(August 2019) CIArb Australia (Brisbane)
- “Getting kitted out for your next overseas adventure: A conflicts perspective on foreign projects” (August 2019) Society of Construction Law Australia (Perth)
- “International Commercial Arbitration in an Era of Transparency (February 2019) Jean Gabriel Castel Lecture Series (Glendon College, Toronto)
- “The Prague Rules: Options and Opportunities for Asia” (January 2019) 38th Seoul IDRC Lecture Series (Seoul)
- “Innovations in International Arbitration Procedure” (July 2018) Bar of Ireland, Dublin
- “Jurisdiction and Conflicts of Law in a Digital World” (May 2018) NJI Civil Law Seminar: Resistance is Futile – The Technological Transformation of Substantive and Procedural Civil Law, Evidence, and the Administration of Civil Justice (St. John’s)
- “Proactive Case Management” (May 2018) CIArb East Asia Branch, Hong Kong
- “International Standards as a Normative Source” (May 2018) Twilight Issues in International Arbitration, Singapore
- “Beyond Borders: Implications of International Business and Law” (February 2018) 21st Annual Business & Law Conference (Toronto)
- “CIArb London Principles and their Impact on Legislation” (December 2017) The Synergy and Divergence between Civil Law and Common Law in International Arbitration, Paris
- “The View from the Arbitrators/Decision-Makers” (November 2017) The Advocates’ Society Arbitration Advocacy Seminar, Toronto
- “Investment Arbitration: Some Threshold Issues” (October) 2017 Union Internationale des Avocats 61st Congress, Toronto
- “Expedited Proceedings: Enforcement Issues” (October 2017) IV Congresso Panamericana, São Paulo
- “Domestic Arbitration in Canada: Major Cases and Trends” (September 2017) CIArb Annual Symposium, Toronto
- “Arbitration Law Reform: The TCAS-AARC Project (September 2017) CIArb Canada Annual Symposium (Toronto)
- “Arbitration Agreements: Which Law Applies and Why is it Important?” (September 2017) CPR Canada Regional Meeting, Toronto
- “PO #1: The End or the Beginning?” (July 2017) CIArb Singapore Branch, Singapore
- “Arbitration Briefing” (June 2017) Lenczner (Toronto)
- “Tribunal Secretaries: a useful aide to modern arbitral practice?” (April 2017) CDR’s Spring Arbitration Symposium, London
- “Initial Organization of the Arbitral Proceeding and Pre-Hearing Activities” (April 2017) 10th Annual Leading Arbitrators Symposium (Vienna)
- “Tribunal Secretaries: a useful aide to modern arbitral practice?” (April 2017) Commercial Dispute Resolution, Spring Arbitration Symposium (London)
- “Ethics and Professionalism in Arbitration Advocacy” (November 2016) The Advocates’ Society (Toronto)
- “Oral Advocacy in International Arbitration” (September 2016) Seoul International Arbitration Academy: Workshop Program (Seoul)
- “Enforcing Annulled Awards: Pemex, Yukos and more…” (September 2016) GAR Live (New York)
- “Costs at the Case Management Conference” (August 2016) Using Costs Orders to Control the Expense of International Commercial Arbitration, CIArb, Federal Court of Australia (Sydney)
- “Equality of Arms in International Arbitration: Do Rules and Guidelines Level the Playing Field and Properly Regulate Conduct?” (May 2016) International Council on Commercial Arbitration (Mauritius)
- “The Post-Hearing Phase” (April 2016) 10th Annual Leading Arbitrators Symposium (Vienna)
- “Security for Costs” (June 2015) Costs in International Arbitration, International Bar Association (Munich)
- “Hot Topics in International Arbitration: Of Elves and Guerillas” (May 2015) Arbitration and Wealth Management (Tortola, BVI)
- “Mock Case Management Conference” (February 2015) VI ICC Congreso (San Jose, Costa Rica)
- “International Arbitration and the Core Curriculum” (April 2015) The Evolution and Future of International Arbitration: The Next 30 Years, London
- “How are Seats Chosen: An Inside View” (March 2015) CIArb Centenary Conference (Hong Kong)
- “Challenges to Arbitrators, Responses from Arbitrators, and Challenge-proof Awards: Is there such a Beast?” (November 2014) CIArb UEA Branch International Conference (Dubai)
- “Education and Training in International Arbitration” (November 2014) 2nd Annual Sydney Arbitration Week (Sydney)
- “Building a Good Seat” (June 2014) The UNCITRAL Model Law and Beyond (Tel Aviv)
- “Enforcement: The Latest Developments” (May 2014) IBA Arbitration Committee: First Principles, Current Practice, Latest Trends (Toronto)
- “The Future of International Arbitration Education” (May 2014) Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Board of Trustees Meeting (London)
- “Australian and Canadian Perspectives on Arbitration: A Joint Discussion” (March 2014) Milan Chamber of Arbitration Colloquium (Milan)
- “Confidentiality in International Arbitration” (November 2013) CIArb Toronto Chapter AGM Symposium (Toronto)
- “Ex-parte Communications in International Arbitration (November 2013) Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society AGM Symposium (Toronto)
- “International Issues Arising Out of the Uniform Law Conference Reform Project” (October 2013) ICC Canada Annual Conference (Toronto)
- “The managerial (or mismanaging) arbitrator: what are the limits of her power and the requirements of her duty?” (August 2013) Mastering the Challenges in International Arbitration (Stockholm)
- “Practice and Procedure in International Arbitration” (May 2013) LCIA North American Symposium (Toronto)
- “ICC Case Management Conference” (February 2013) IV Congreso International del Arbitraje, San José
- “Arbitration Practice and Procedure” (November 2012) TCAS Annual Conference, Toronto
- “Women in Arbitration in Canada and Beyond” (December 2012) Arbitration Place, Toronto
- “International Arbitration Canadian Style: A Distinctive Approach?” American Bar Association Section on International Law Teleseminar (December 2010) Toronto
- Moderator, London Court of International Arbitration European Users Symposium (March 2010) London
- “Coordinating the Chaos: A Global Update on Mass Claims – Can Litigation, Arbitration and Government Remedies Work Together?” International Bar Association Annual Conference (October 2009) Madrid
- “Drafting Effective Arbitration Clauses: Countdown to Success” Arbitration Primer for Corporate Counsel and Business Lawyers (October 2008) Arbitration Roundtable of Toronto, Toronto
- “The UNCITRAL Model Law: Past, Present and Future” (August 2008) International Arbitration Conference Brunei and 2nd RAIF Conference, Brunei Darussalam, 12 pp
- “International Arbitration: Fresh Ideas for a Changing World” (October 2007) ABILA International Law Weekend, New York, Moderator
- “Hindsight: Pitfalls and Mistakes in Resource Disputes” (September 2007) International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) ADR after NAFTA, Toronto
- “Challenges to Jurisdiction and Non-Signatories in Arbitration” (June 2007) Arbitration Roundtable of Toronto, Current Issues in Canada-US Arbitration Practice: A Canadian Perspective, New York
- “Pathological Clauses: A Hallowe’en Primer” (Oct 2006) Young Canadian Arbitration Practitioners (YCAP) Symposium, Montreal
- “Initial Considerations in Drafting Arbitration Clauses” (September 2006) Arbitration Roundtable of Toronto (ART) Arbitration for the In-House Counsel: Essentials for an Effective Arbitration Clause, Toronto
- ”The Basic Elements“ (October 2005) Arbitration Roundtable of Toronto (ART) Essentials for an Effective Dispute Resolution Clause, Toronto
- “Agreeing to Disagree: Can we just have words?” (March 2005) Vienna International Arbitration Centre: From the 1980 Vienna Conference to the Digest and Beyond: Cases, Analysis and Unresolved Issues in the CISG, Vienna
- “Choosing the Right Seat” in Negotiating and Drafting Effective Arbitration Provisions in Commercial Agreements (October 2004) Osgoode Professional Development Program, Toronto
- “Recent Developments in Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards” discussion leader with James Redmond (October 2004) 3rd Annual ICC Symposium, Montreal
- “Designing the Right Arbitration Agreement: What goes in and what stays out”, discussion leader with Luis Sarabia (October 2004) Young Canadian Arbitration Practitioners, Montreal
- “Arbitrability: Are there Limits?” (October 2004) London Court of International Arbitration Symposium: The Promise of International Commercial Arbitration, Montreal
- International Commercial Arbitration Committee Working Session (Chair) (August 2004) International Law Association Biennial Conference, Berlin
- “Re-thinking Public Policy Review of Arbitral Awards” (November 2002) Canadian Council on International Business, Arbitration Committee Seminar, Montreal
- “Public Policy—A New Standard for Review of Arbitral Awards?” (October 2002) Ontario Bar Association, Judicial Review of International Arbitral Awards, Toronto
- “Getting the Best Seats” (May 2002) Canadian Bar Association, International Section, Third Annual International Law Conference: Few Barriers or New Barriers, Ottawa
- “Potpourri—Confidentiality, Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards & Disclosure” (April 2002) American Arbitration Association/Canadian Bar Association, International Dispute Resolution: A View from Within, Montreal
International Litigation
- “Internet Intermediaries: Facebook and Google” (November 2017) Communications Law and Policy Conference, Ottawa
- “Land Ho! An Adventurer’s Guide to Judicial Jurisdiction (October 2016) Osgoode Faculty Seminar (Toronto)
- “CJPTA: A Decade of Progress” (October 2016) Symposium (Toronto)
- “Emerging Contours of the Law of Judicial Jurisdiction” (July 2016) The Current State of Transnational Commercial and Consumer Law, International Association of Consumer and Commercial Law (Fukuoka)
- “Common Principles in the Area of Procedure (“Brussels 0”): Jurisdiction” (November 2014) The Evolution of European Private International Law: Coherence, Common Values and Consolidation, British Institute of International and Comparative Law (London)
- “Recent Developments in Judgments” (May 2012) National Judicial Institute Civil Justice Seminar, Moncton
- “Three Engines of Trade: The Model Law, the CISG and Education” (June 2012) Reopening the Silk Road in the Legal Dialogue between Turkey and China, Istanbul
- “Conflict of Laws in 90 minutes” Federal Courts Clerks Seminar (January, 2012) Ottawa
- “Harmonization under the CISG and the Model Law” (November 2011) The Model Law After 25 Years: Global Perspectives on International Commercial Arbitration Law, Montreal
- “Judicial Jurisdiction in Crossborder Matters: Time for Real and Substantial Change?” (November 2011) The Advocate’s Society Fall Convention, Costa Rica
- “Foreign Judgments and Multijurisdictional Agreements: Two Presentations to McMillan” (February 2009) McMillan, Toronto
- “Recent Developments in Canadian Conflict of Laws” (October 2008) Zhongnan University, Wuhan, China
- “Discretion and Codification in Private International Law” (October 2008) Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
- “The Rise and Fall of Forum non Conveniens” (October 2008) Private International Law Workshop, International Bar Association Annual Conference, Buenos Aires
- “Teck Cominco and the first seised principle” (October 2008) Consumer and Commercial Law Workshop, Winnipeg (15 pp)
- “…there are parts of the world where things are badly wrong…’: Forum Selection Clauses and Unfair Jurisdictions” (October 2007) International Bar Association Conference, Singapore 8 pp
- “When Transnational Contracts Come Before Domestic Courts” (May 2006) National Judicial Institute, Civil Law Seminar: Contract Law, Halifax
- “Questions, Questions, Questions: Recent Developments in the Conflict of Laws” (March 2006) Blake, Cassels & Graydon, Toronto
- “The Conflict of Laws” and “The Constitution and Statutes of Repose” (November 2005) Ontario Bar Association, The New Ontario Limitations Regime: Exposition and Analysis, Toronto
- “Fragmentation: Diversification and Expansion of International Law—Private International Law”, Panel Coordinator and Moderator (October 2005) Canadian Council on International Law 34th Annual Conference, Ottawa
- “Federalism, Regionalism and the Evolution of Private International Law” (July 2005) The Hague Academy of international law, Special Lectures, The Hague
- “Reciprocity and Bilateralism in the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments” (June 2005) Canadian-American Research Centre for Law and Policy (CARC) Commercial and Corporate Law across the Canada-United States Border, Windsor 8 pp
- “The Real and Substantial Truth about Jurisdiction in Canada (April 2005) Canadian Bar Association, National Civil Litigation Conference, Toronto
- “Jurisdiction and Foreign Parties: Developments in Muscutt, the Rules and Forum Conveniens” Osgoode Professional Development Centre (May 2005) Civil Litigation: The New Realities, Toronto
- “The World’s Longest Undefended Border” (April 2005) Hamilton Law Association, First Annual Emerging Issues in Cross-Border Commercial Litigation Seminar, Niagara-on-the-Lake
- “The Role of Domestic Courts in the International Legal Order” (October 2004) American Branch, ILA: Worlds in Collision? International Law and National Realities, New York
- “Beals v Saldanha Sets the Agenda for Law Reform” (January, 2004) Blake, Cassels & Graydon, Toronto
- “Jurisdiction in Crossborder Disputes: The Leading Edge” (November 2003) Judicial Education Seminar, National Judicial Institute, Superior Court of Justice of Ontario, Toronto
- “‘Crazy!’: Recent Developments in Canadian Conflict of Laws” (July 2003) Torys, Toronto
- “Jurisdiction, Territoriality and the Canadian Courts: Exploring the Limits of the ‘Real and Substantial Connection’ Test” (February 2003) Ontario Bar Association, International Law Section, Toronto
- “Enforceability of Foreign Revenue Claims and the Canadian Government’s US Tobacco Litigation” Commentary on paper (October 2002) 32nd Annual Consumer and Commercial Law Workshop, Toronto
- “Frontier Tales from Here and There: The Character of our Conflicts Regimes” (August 2002) Faculty Seminar, Flinders Law School, Adelaide, Australia
- “Domestic Application of International Law: Trade and Commercial Issues (Private Law)” (June 2002) Court of Appeal for Ontario Judicial Education Seminar, Niagara-on-the-Lake
- “Hail Mary Pleas: Foreign Judgments and Last Ditch Defences” (May 2002) Ontario Bar Association Programme in Civil Litigation, Toronto
- “Private International Law Briefing/Year-In-Review Recent Developments in International Tort Law in the British Commonwealth of Nations—Comment” American Society of International Law, 2001 Proceedings 294
- “Forum Shopping in the 21st Century” (May 2001) Blake, Cassels & Graydon, Toronto
- “Parallel Proceedings: A Bird’s-eye View of the Jungle” (May 2001) Canadian Bar Association International Section, The Practice of International Law in the 21st Century: It’s Everybody’s Business, Ottawa
- “Beyond Big Business: Contests between Jurisdictions in a Vertically Integrated Global Economy” (November 2000) LSUC, Civil Litigation Forum, Toronto
- “Canada’s Position on the Hague Judgments Convention” (October 2000) Japan Association of International Law/American Society of International Law/Canadian Council on International Law, Third Trilateral Conference, Ottawa
- Resolution through the Hague Judgments Convention and the Transnational Rules Project” (October 2000) Canadian Council on International Law Annual Meeting, Ottawa
- “Provisional and Protective Measures in International Litigation: Mareva and Grupo Mexicano – The Canadian Perspective” (April 2000) American Society of International Law Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2000 Proceedings 62
- “Five Questions and an Answer” (February 2000) Superior Court of Justice of Ontario, Toronto
- “Morguard: A Decade of Change” (January 2000) Torys, Toronto
- “Morguard at the Millennium: A Survey of Change” (January 2000) Canadian Bar Association of Ontario, From the Headlines: High Profile International Law Issues That Impact Practices of Canadian Lawyers (2000), Toronto
- “Recent Developments in the Conflict of Laws” (September 1999) Blake, Cassels & Graydon, Toronto
- “A Tale of Two Fora: Fresh Challenges in Defending Multijurisdictional Claims” (June 1995) Conflict of Laws: Key Recent Cases, Law Society of Upper Canada, Toronto
Comparative Procedure
- “Class Actions Come of Age in Ontario” (May 2017) The Class Action Effect: From the Legislator’s Imagination to Today’s Uses and Practices (Montreal)
- “How much is too much? Counsel fees and third-party funding in consumer class actions/collective redress” (September 2016) International Bar Association Annual Conference (Washington)
- “Promoting Competition Regulation (Not Competition) in Collective Redress: How are the New EU Regimes Working?” (September 2015) International Bar Association (Vienna)
- “Multijurisdictional Class Actions (October 2014) Windsor Law School Seminar on Class Actions (Windsor by video)
- “Collective Redress Across Borders – How Consumers are Flexing their Multi-jurisdictional Muscle” (October 2014) IBA Annual Conference (Tokyo)
- “Ideological Background of the Constitution, Constitutional Rules and Civil Procedure” (Moderator, September 2014) International Association of Procedural Law Conference (Seoul)
- “Class Actions” (August 2014) Ontario Justice Education Network (Toronto)
- “The Comparative Context” (June 2014) Collective Actions: Experience and Expectations: Association of European Competition Law Judges (Bucharest)
- “Summary Judgment in the Supreme Court of Canada: Hyrniak v Maludin and its Implications (March 2014) Osgoode Professional Development Webinar (Toronto)
- “Demolishing Legal Borders: Cross-border judicial cooperation and promoting effective remedies for collective redress and class action litigants” (October 2013) International Bar Association Conference (Boston)
- “Who Speaks for the Class?” (December 2012) Keynote Speech – 4th Annual Class Action Colloquium (Toronto)
- “Advising the Court: The Role of Experts” (November 2012) in From Bench to Bench: Pharmaceutical Patents from Lab Bench to the Courtroom, Toronto
- “Cultural Dimensions of Group Litigation” (September 2012) International Association of Procedural Law, Moscow
- “Collective Proceedings and the Cultural Issues they Raise” (June, 2012) Buenos Aires
- “Is the Witness Credible? Five Lies About the Truth” (May 2012) Alberta Arbitration and Mediation Society, Edmonton
- “Are National Class Actions Constitutional?—A Debate with Peter Hogg” (February 2012) Toronto
- “Who’s Afraid of US-style Class Actions?” (January 2012) Our Courts and the World: Transnational Litigation and Civil Procedure, Los Angeles
- “The ABA Protocols for Crossborder Class Actions” in Multi-Jurisdictional, Cross-Border, and International Class Actions: Where Are We Heading? (August 2011) American Bar Association Annual Meeting, Toronto
- “Prohibited Means of Obtaining and Presenting Evidence” (July 2011) XIVth World Congress, International Association of Procedural Law, Heidelberg
- Expert Meeting: European Mass Claims and Private International Law (May 2011) Rotterdam
- “Crossborder Mass Claims and Collective Redress: Are we on the road to an International Multijurisdictional Litigation Panel?” International Bar Association Annual Conference (October 2010) Vancouver
- “International Litigation Issues” International Bar Association Young Lawyers’ Program (October 2010) Vancouver
- “Solving Disputes in Israel-North American/European Commerce” Israel Bar Association 10th Annual Conference (June 2010) Eilat
- “Overlapping Multijurisdiction Class Actions in Canada” (November 2008) National Judicial Institute, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
- “Recognizing Multijurisdiction Class Action Judgments within Canada: Key Questions—Suggested Answers” (April 2008) National Judicial Institute, Class Actions Conference for Judges, Toronto 13 pp
- “Jurisdiction to Grant Global Class Action Judgments and Settlements – dream or reality?” (October 2007) International Bar Association Conference, Singapore
- “The Flightless Cormorant and the Future of Collective Redress in Europe” (June 2008) Class Actions in Europe and North America, Florence
- “The Preclusive Effect of Judgments in Collective Actions: Implications for Jurisdiction and Appropriate Forum” (July 2007) ILA Committee Meeting, Paris
- “What’s with Article III?—The nature of judicial authority and private international law” (May 2007) Faculty Workshop, NYU School of Law 30 pp
- “Group Actions in Canada” (June 2006) Report for the 2006 Meeting of the International Law Association, Committee on International Civil Litigation and the Interests of the Public, Toronto 16 pp
- “Cross-Border Dilemmas: Multi-jurisdictional Class Actions” (April 2006) Ontario Bar Association, National Civil Litigation CLE Conference, Toronto
- “Recent Class Actions Developments in Canada and the US: National Class Actions” (October 2005) 35th Annual Consumer and Commercial Law Workshop, Toronto
- “Preliminary or Summary Proceedings, Scope and Importance” (September 2003) International Association of Procedural Law, XII World Congress, Mexico City, General Reporter (Common Law) with Garry Watson
- “The Better Part of Harmonizing Jurisdictional Law” American Society of International Law, 2002 Proceedings 342
- “Multi-Jurisdiction Class Actions in Canada” (April 2001) Osgoode Professional Development Program, First Annual National Class Actions Symposium, Toronto
- “Where are the Women?” (November 2012) Arbitralwomen Symposium (Toronto)
- “Early Career Workshop: Civil Procedure” (February, 2012) Canberra
- “Family Law Now – Crossborder Issues” Law Society of Upper Canada (September 2010) Toronto
- “Civil Procedure in Canada” International Congress Association of the Associado dos Magistrados Brasileiros (September 2010) Toronto
- “Access to Justice for Consumers and Small Businesses in a Post-territorial Era” International Association of Commercial and Consumer Law (July 2010) Toronto
- “Quo Vadis: The Teaching of Procedure and the Future of the Profession” Public and Private Justice: Landscape of the European Legal Profession – Has Unity been Lost? (May 2010) Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik
- “Litigation Funding and Costs in Canada” (July 2009) International Conference on Litigation Costs and Funding, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies & Institute of European and Comparative Law, Oxford University, Oxford (with Erik Knutsen)
- “Procedural Reform: A View from the Shop Floor” (June 2009) International Seminar on Procedure: Theory and Practice, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem
- “Civil Litigation in Canada: An Intensive Course for Senior Judges from Liaoning Province” (February 2009) Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Toronto
- “The Character of Our Courts: Defining Moments in their Histories” (September 2002) Faculty Seminar, Monash Faculty of Law, Melbourne, Australia
- “Foreign Contracts: The Rough Guide” (August 2002) Thomson Playford, Adelaide
- “Integrated Justice and the Adjudicative Services Provided by Ontario’s Civil Justice System” (April 1999) Retreat, Policy Branch of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, Toronto