Books and Articles
Since 2001, Janet has authored the leading Canadian text on private international law, Canadian Conflict of Laws, which is among the most cited academic works in Canadian courts. Her publications span the range of subjects in international arbitration and litigation, and comparative procedure.
Janet has authored and edited a number of works, and journal special issues on international, comparative and domestic procedure, including:
- Canadian Conflict of Laws (Markham: Butterworths, 2002; LexisNexis, 6th edition, 2005+; Markham: Butterworths, 7th edition, 2023+)
- Canadian Journal of Commercial Arbitration (2020+) Executive Editor
- Castel & Walker: Canadian Conflict of Laws (LexisNexis, 5th edition 2001+; Markham: Butterworths, 6th edition, 2005+)
- Civil Litigation (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2010) with Lorne Sossin
- Class Actions in Canada (Emond, 2013; 2d ed 2018, 3d ed 2023) General Editor
- Commercial Arbitration in Australia Under the Model Law 3rd edition (Sydney: Thomson Reuters, 2022)
- Common Law, Civil Law and the Future of Categories (Markham: LexisNexis, 2010) Co- Editor, with Oscar Chase, also published as (2010) 49 S.C.L.R. (2d)
- Halsbury’s Laws of Canada: Conflict of Laws (LexisNexis, 1st issue 2006; 2nd issue 2016, 3rd ed reissue 2024 [forthcoming])
- The Civil Litigation Process: Cases and Materials, (Emond Montgomery, 5th ed, 1999 as Co-editor), (6th ed; 2005, 7th ed; 2010, 8th ed; 2015 as General Editor, 9th ed; 2022 as General Editor)
- Private International Law in Common Law Canada (Emond, 3rd edition 2010; 4th edition 2016) Co-editor
- E drejta ndërkombëtare private (Private International Law: A Course for Magistrates), Magistrates’ School, Tirana, Albania (World Bank, 2005) with Arta Mandro-Balili and Ardian Kalia
- A Practical Guide to Mooting (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 1995) with S Williams
- The Vis Book: A Participant’s Guide to the Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Huntington, NY: Juris, 2007) General Editor
- Special Issue on Judicial Jurisdiction, Osgoode Hall Law Journal (2018), Guest Editor
- Special Issue on Teaching Procedure, Osgoode Hall Law Journal (2013) Guest Editor
- Special Issue of the Osgoode Hall Law Journal in Honour of Jean-Gabriel Castel, (2000) Guest Editor
Book Chapters
- “Arbitration” in The Laws of Australia (Sydney: Westlaw, 2024) with D. Jones (forthcoming)
- “Le droit international privé” in A Grenon ed, Éléments de common law canadienne – comparaison avec le droit civil québécois, 2 ed (2023)
- “The London Principles and their Impact on Law Reform”, in N Comair-Obeid and S Brekoulakis eds, The Plurality and Synergies of Legal Traditions in International Arbitration: Looking Beyond the Common and Civil Law Divide (2023)
- “National and International Classes” in J Walked ed, Class Actions in Canada, Cases and Materials, 3rd ed (Toronto: Emond, 2023)
- “Where and When to Sue” with Eric Knutsen, “Who can Sue, What will be Decided, and Who will be Bound” with Gerard Kennedy, and “Commencing and Defending Proceedings” in Janet Walker ed, The Civil Litigation Process (9 ed) Emond Publishing 139-218, 219-298, 299-420
- “Australia” and “New Zealand” in Kevin Kim, John Bang and Sameer Thakur (eds), Post-award Interest in the Asia-Pacific (Kluwer, 2023) 1-8, 45-52
- “A Comparative Perspective on International Commercial Courts: Jurisdiction, Applicable Law and Enforcement of Judgments” in G Dimitropoulos and S Brekoulakis eds, International Commercial Courts: The Future of Transnational Adjudication (2022) 115-157
- “Conflicts of Law and the Constitution”, “Jurisdiction”, and “Immovables”, in S Pitel ed, Private International Law in Common Law Canada 5 ed (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2022) 29-50, 193,278, 713-748
- “The Prague Rules: Fresh Prospects for Designing a Bespoke Process” in Amy C Kläsener, Martin Magál and Joseph E Neuhaus (eds), Global Arbitration Review: The Guide to Evidence in International Arbitration (Law Business Research, 2021) 36-46
- “The Distant Shore: Discretion and the Extent of Judicial Jurisdiction” in A Dickenson and E Peel eds, A Conflict of Laws Companion: Essays in Honour of Professor Adrian Briggs QC (Oxford, OUP, 2021) 53-75
- “Transparency and Efficiency in International Commercial Arbitration” in N Kaplan and R Morgan eds, Lawyer, Scholar, Teacher and Activist – Liber Amicorum for Derek Roebuck (Holo Books, 2021) with D Jones 441-463
- “Facebook and Privacy Class Actions”, in I Cofone ed, Class Actions in Privacy Law (Routledge, 2020) 56-80
- “Conflict of Laws” in J Radbord, ed, LGBTQ2+ Law: Practice Issues and Analysis (Toronto: Emond, 2019) 319-344
- “Class Actions Come of Age in Ontario”, in ed Catherine Piché The Class Action Effect – From the Legislator’s Imagination to Today’s Uses and Practices (Éditions Yvon Blais, 2018) 87-108
- “Procedural Order No. 1 Revisited From Swiss watch to arbitrators’ toolkit” in P. Shaughnessy and S. Tung, The Powers and Duties of an Arbitrator: Liber Amicorum Pierre Karrer (Kluwer, 2017) with D. Jones 393-402
- “Applying Foreign Law”, “Immovables” and “Matrimonial Property” in Private International Law in Common Law Canada 4th ed (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2016) 547-590, 779-810, 1017-1044
- “Prohibited Means of Obtaining and Presenting Evidence” in P Gottwald and B Hess, eds, Procedural Justice: XIVth World Congress, International Association of Procedural Law (Gieseking-Verlag, 2014) 639-694
- “XVIIIth Moot” in eds L Barrington, N Casado Filho, C Finkelstein, The Danubia Files (Parker, CO: Outskirts Press, 2013) with GB Hartwell and N Casadso Filo 237-254
- “Cultural Dimensions of Group Litigation” in Civil Procedure in Cross-Cultural Dialogue (Moscow: CTATYT, 2012) 413-458
- “Class Actions: Settlement, Approval, Res Judicata, Claims Administration and Cy-pres Awards” in Procesos Colectivos/Class Actions (Buenos Aires, U de Buenos Aires, 2012) 535-542
- “Canada” in The Funding and Costs of Civil Litigation in Comparative Perspective (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2011) 239-260 (with Erik Knutsen)
- “Applying Foreign Law” and “Immovables” in S Pitel ed, Private International Law in Common Law Canada 3d ed. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2010) 553-590, 785-818
- “El Litigio en Materia Civil y las Nuevas Technologías” en Roberto Berizonce, XXV Congreso Nacional de Derecho Procesal: Hacia el Bicentenario – Por una jusiticia transparente en el sistema republicano (Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2010) 1110-1137
- “Preliminary or Summary Proceedings, Scope and Importance” in XII Congreso Mundial de Derecho Procesal, Volumen I, eds M Storme & C Gomez-Lara (México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2006) 193-239, with Garry Watson
- “Le droit international privé” in Éléments de common law canadienne – comparaison avec le droit civil québécois, A Grenon ed (2008) 439-524
- “Twenty Questions (about Section 23 of the Ontario Limitations Act, 2002)” in J Ziegel, et al eds, The New Ontario Limitations Regime: Exposition and Analysis (Toronto, Ont Bar Assoc, 2005) 95-121
- “Rule 17—Service Outside Ontario” in Watson & Perkins eds, Holmested & Watson: Ontario Civil Procedure (2003) 17.1-17.110
- “Beyond Real and Substantial Connection: The Muscutt Quintet” in T Archibald and M Cochrane eds, Annual Review of Civil Justice, 2nd ed (Toronto: Carswells, 2003) 61-92
- “Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards in Canada” in Eisenberg, ed, Debtor-Creditor Law: A Treatise (1911+) (2002, 2003)
- “Canada’s Position on a Multilateral Judgments Convention” in C Charmody ed, Trilateral Perspectives on International Law (3 ed, 2003) 127-155
- “The Better Part of Harmonizing Jurisdictional Law” in (2002) Am Society Int’l Law Proceedings 342-346
- “Rule 17—Service Outside Ontario” in Watson & Perkins eds, Holmested & Watson: Ontario Civil Procedure (2001) 17.1-17.110
- “Biomedical Experimentation with Children: Balancing the needs for protective measures with the need to respect children’s developing ability to make significant life decisions for themselves” and “Biomedical Experimentation Involving Elderly Subjects: The need to balance limited, benevolent protection with the recognition of a long history of autonomous decision-making” in D Weisstub, ed, Research on Human Subjects: Ethics, Law and Social Policy (Pergamon 1998) with D Weisstub & S Verdun-Jones 380-404, 405-432
- “Class Actions in Ontario: Fresh Prospects for Securities Litigation?” in Litigation Issues in the Distribution of Securities: An International Perspective (Kluwer, 1997) (with CF Scott) 455-488
Journal Articles
- “Domestic Commercial Arbitration Reform in Canada: Lessons Learned from Down Under” (2023) Can J Com Arb pp 116-137
- “Courts in Lockdown: Lessons from International Arbitration” (2020) 10 International Journal of Procedural Law 178-202
- “Heller v Uber and Procedural Arbitrability (2020) Arbitration 503-516
- “Lights, camera, action – a checklist for virtual hearing participants” in the Global Arbitration Review (14 May 2020)
- “Canada’s Place in the World” (2019) 1 CJCA 1
- “Specialised International Courts: Keeping Arbitration up to its Game” (2019) 85 Arbitration 2-23
- “Judicial Jurisdiction in Canada: The CJPTA- A Decade of Progress” (2018) 55 OHLJ 9-62
- “Applicable Law” in W. Breyer, Construction Law International (Informa: London, 2018)
- “Women in Disputes: A History of European Women in Mediation and Arbitration by Susanna Hoe and Derek Roebuck” (2018) 34(2) Arbitration International 317-19
- “The London Principles and their Impact on Law Reform” (2018) 84 Arbitration 174-82
- “Internet Intermediaries in Canadian Courts: Facebook and Google” (forthcoming 2018)
- “Australian & Canadian Perspectives on Arbitration A Joint Discussion” (2014) 4 Quad. de Colloqui, with D. Jones
- “Introduction: The Impact of Teaching Procedure” (2013) 51 OHLJ i-xi
- “Thoughtful Practitioners and an Engaged Legal Community, the Impact of the Teaching of Procedure on the Legal Profession and on Civil Justice Reform” (2013) 51 OHLJ 155-198 (with Andrew Higgins; Thomas D. Rowe, Jr., Lorne Sossin and David Bamford)
- “Who’s Afraid of U.S.-Style Class Actions?” (2012) Southwestern International LJ 509-566
- “Summary Judgment has its Day in Court” (2012) 37(2) Queen’s LJ 697-728
- “Same-sex Divorce Tourism Comes to Canada” (2012) 128 LQR 344-346
- “Ethical Lawyering in the Clientless World of Class Actions in Canada” (2012) Jotwell
- “Current Jurisdictional and Recognitional Issues in the Conflict of Laws” (2011) 50 Cdn Bus LJ 499-525 (with Vaughan Black and Joost Blom)
- “Conflict of Laws by Stephen G.A Pitel and Nicholas S. Raffert” (2010) 49 Cdn Bus LJ 502
- “Are National Class Actions Constitutional? – A Reply to Hogg and McKee” (2010) 48(1) Osgoode Hall LJ 95-143
- “Muscutt Misplaced: The Future of Forum of Necessity Jurisdiction in Canada” (2009) 48 Cdn Bus LJ 135-143
- “Teck Cominco and the Wisdom of Deferring to the Court First Seised, All Things Being Equal” (2009) 47 Cdn Bus LJ 192-208
- “Consultation Paper: Reforming the Law of Crossborder Litigation: Judicial Jurisdiction” (Toronto: Law Commission of Ontario, 2009) 63 pp
- “Recognizing Multijurisdiction Class Action Judgments within Canada: Key Questions – Suggested Answers” (2008) 46 Cdn Bus 450-469
- “Getting the Best Seats (In International Arbitrations)” (2008) Canadian Arbitration and Mediation Journal 19
- “Forum Selection Clauses and Unfair Jurisdictions” (2007) 1 Dispute Resolution International 187-198 with Stefan Rützel and Sylvia Wünsch
- “New Trends in Procedural Law: New Technologies and the Civil Litigation Process” (2008) 31 Hastings Int’l & Comp LR 251-94 with Garry Watson
- “Castillo v. Castillo: Closing the Barn Door” (2006) 43(3) Cdn Bus LJ 487-500
- “Agreeing to Disagree: Can We Just Have Words? CISG Article 11 and the Model Law Writing Requirement” (2006) 25 Journal of Law and Commerce 153-166
- “The Role of Domestic Courts in the International Legal Order” (2005) 11 ILSA J International & Comparative Law 365-370
- “A Comparative Survey of Conflict of Law Rules in Canada: Overview, Bibliography and Comparative Tables” for Civil Justice Section, Bijuralism Group, Department of Justice, 2005
- “Coordinating Multijurisdiction Class Actions through Existing Certification Processes” (2005) 42(1) Cdn Bus LJ 112-121
- “Crossborder Class Actions: A View from across the Border” (2004) Mich State DCL LR 755-798
- “The Great Canadian Comity Experiment Continues” (2004) 120 LQR 365-369
- “The Deconstitutionalization of Canadian Private International Law” (2003) 21 SCLR (2d) 181-201 (with Vaughan Black)
- “Foreign Public Law and the Colour of Comity: What’s the Difference between Friends?” (2003) 38 Cdn Bus LJ 36-56
- “Must there be Uniform Standards for Jurisdiction in a Federation?” (2003) 119 LQR 567-572
- “The Utility of the ALI / UNIDROIT Project on Principles and Rules of Transnational Civil Procedure” (2001-04) VI Uniform LR 803-818
- “The Canmar Fortune: The Supreme Court of Canada Puts Jurisdiction Agreements Back on Course” (2003) 5 Canadian International Lawyer 144-148
- “Beals v Saldanha: Striking the Comity Balance Anew” (2002) 5 Canadian Int’l Lawyer 28-33
- “International Dispute Resolution in the 21st Century: The Role of National Courts” Canadian Council on International Law, Looking Ahead: International Law in the 21st Century (2001) 95-110
- “Restitution in Private International Law by G. Panagopoulos” (2001) 16 Banking & Finance Law Review 489
- “Private International Law Briefing/Year-In-Review Recent Developments in International Tort Law in the British Commonwealth of Nations—Comment” (2001) Am Soc Int’l Law Proceedings 294
- “Provisional and Protective Measures in International Litigation: Mareva and Grupo Mexicano – The Canadian Perspective” (April 2000) Am Society of International Law, Washington, DC, 2000 Proceedings 62
- “Are we there yet?: Towards a New Rule for Choice of Law in Tort” (2000) 38 OHLJ 331-367
- “Parallel Proceedings—Converging Views: The Westec Appeal” in Canadian Yearbook of Int’l Law (2000) 155-188
- “Interprovincial Sovereign Immunity Revisited” (1997) 35 Osgoode Hall LJ 379-397
- “A Tale of Two Fora: Fresh Challenges in Defending Multijurisdictional Claims” (1996) 33 Osgoode Hall LJ 549-582
- “Cuba: Will New United States Law Hurt Canadians?” (1996) 3 North American Corporate Lawyer 134-138 with G Creighton
- “Should Businesses Fear Canadian Class Actions?” (March, 1996) Int’l Commercial Litigation 18-20 with B Leon
- “Applying Morguard to Foreign Judgments” (September, 1995) Int’l Commercial Litigation 37-39
- “A New Model for Interprovincial Conflict of Laws Settled by the Supreme Court” (1995) 2 Commercial Litigation 91-94
- “Choice of Law in Tort: The Supreme Court of Canada Enters the Fray” (1995) 111 LQR 397-400
- “Immunity for Extraterritorial Enforcement Measures in Canada: The Supreme Court Declines to Decide” (1994) 1 Canadian International Lawyer 17-23, 67, 73
- “Military Justice: From Oxymoron to Aspiration” (1994) 32 Osgoode Hall LJ 1-32
- “Personal Injury: The New Exception to State Immunity in Canada” (1994) 4 Internews 6-12
- “Shawanaga Bound: The Ontario Court of Appeal Decides Hopton v Pamajewon” (1994) 53 Saskatchewan LR 161-171
- “A Farewell Salute to the Military Nexus Doctrine” (1993) 2 Nat J Constitutional Law 366-378